Our Community

“Families and schools work together as partners in the education of children”

At Mount Eliza North Primary we recognise the primary role of the family in education. A strong family-school partnership is a feature of life at Mount Eliza North Primary. This partnership is based on mutual trust and respect, and a shared responsibility for the education of our children.

The Mt Eliza Art and Design Show is the school’s major fundraising activity for the year and involves the entire school community. The large parent and friends Art and Design Show Committee is very proactive and meets regularly throughout the year to plan the show.

The Parent and Friends Association also supports our school through a variety of fundraising and social activities.

Each class at Mount Eliza North Primary School has a Class Parent Representative. The role of the Class Representative is to welcome and communicate with each new family in our community. They do this by meeting with families and organising regular informal get-together sessions. This role also includes coordinating community volunteers for whole school and class events such as excursions, camps, Art and Design Show rosters etc. Class Representatives also assist the teacher by organising parents to assist in the classroom for example to hear reading, working with small groups of students during literacy and/or numeracy sessions, covering books etc.

The Mount Eliza North Primary School Council meets regularly to discuss issues relating to the school. Joining the School Council gives parents/carers the opportunity to be involved in establishing the broad direction of the school.

Parents are also involved in a wide range of classroom and whole school activities including: support of the literacy and numeracy programs, units of inquiry, the PMP program, leading a lunchtime Horizons group, attending camps and excursions, assisting in sporting events such as House Swimming sports, House Athletics sports.

Parents and staff at Mount Eliza North Primary School work together to create opportunities for our students to achieve and excel at whatever they do.